What does CMMI Level 5 mean?
You save time and money on critical solution implementations.

Efficiency from every angle.
Kingland is appraised at the highest level of software development maturity, according to the CMMI Institute, a division of ISACA. We have earned this maturity level 5 three times in our history – 2018, 2021, and 2024. Today we are one of only 15% of CMMI rated companies that operate at this level of maturity.
CMMI Level 5 recognizes Kingland's process maturity, which leads to efficiency. Process efficiency means a faster schedule and a lower cost for our clients compared to when firms choose to implement software with an alternative.
We have more than just a nice looking chart to prove it.
Kingland’s clients see the value of our approach with each project. Based on that experience, Kingland conducted a case study comparing internal software development of one of our clients to our own development capability. The cost and time saved with Kingland is stark in comparison.
Click on the video to the right to see how this efficiency applies to our public accounting clients, or click on the highlights below.

Software Projects Often Fail
Software Projects Often Fail
The Standish Group's CHAOS report documents a 70% failure rate on software implementations. The report further states that internal software development will likely go over both time and budget considerably.
Software is our Full-Time Job
Software is our Full-Time Job
Kingland is a software company first. We bring efficiency and expertise to the table that internal teams cannot. Other vendors may not have the time tested and independently certified processes. Let our CMMI certified processes de-risk your project.
Choosing Kingland is Wiser Financially
Choosing Kingland is Wiser Financially
Looking at the same project over 6 years, costs were $18M with Kingland compared to $40M when built internally. Whether big or small, our approach gives you better value for your budget.
Better Process, Better Engineering.
We do not believe in “check the box” process – we have integrated the right processes into how we do work every day. Our processes are instrumented so that we receive data to know our performance and get better. Two examples from our engineering team:
Kingland requires all engineering staff to be assessed by the industry tool Pluralsight. Individuals are graded on their expertise when benchmarked against tens of thousands other engineers. Based on their expertise level, they are trained further – always improving skills as part of continuous improvement activities. Based on these efforts, Pluralsight has benchmarked our staff in the top 5% of the greater than 100,000 software developers they benchmark worldwide.
Kingland has daily, active management routines to track individual developer performance. Using industry tools, we are able to benchmark our performance across various dimensions such as efficiency, impact, and code commits. We have leveraged this data to have predictive indicators of performance within our projects as well as how to reward excellence in our engineers. These tools provide us insight into how 100,000s of developers from across the world are working and how we compare. Through our investments, we find that our developers are performing well above industry averages.